Dodolandia is a country located in the Pacific Ocean, bordering the Eastern Republic of the Seven Suns. It is an island nation with a population of approximately 80 million people. The capital city is San May Shuno, which is part of the Capital City District. The country is divided into 12 provinces: Aek, Aveida, Avite, Coavieo, Heoriv, Luonet, Mar del Sur, Oehioke, Seuloix, Tasisei, Uke, and Wesofu. Major cities include Alkuima, Akêto, Del Sol Valley, Dōnave, Eckhart, Isabalms, Matiz Zemog, Montagnes Bleues, New Port, Rivière Étoilée, Serenidad, and South Bay City. The national symbol is the Southern Spirit (learn more), and the flag is known as Rougels.
Political map of the provinces and the silhouette of the country.
Dodolandia is renowned for its diverse and organized culture. The three official languages are English, French, and Spanish, which are prevalent in all public domains, and most citizens are fluent in all three. The economy is robust, heavily driven by industries such as technology, tourism, and agriculture. Notable companies like Chanax Inc., Dodolandian Airlines, First World Bank, Pōsco International, Ankhori Logistics, and CSST+ & Associates shape the corporate landscape. The national government also plays a key role in infrastructure development, supporting organizations such as the National Department of Public Health (NDPH) and the National Central Bank, which ensure the country's stability and growth.
Education is one of the most important pillars of the country, making Dodolandia home to several prestigious universities. Institutions such as UCZ Universidad Central de Zemog Matiz, the University of Brichester, University of San May Shuno, Université Centrale D’Isabalms, University of Foxbury in Newport, Universidad Nacional de Dodolandia, Wokahoit University in Serenidad, Instituto Estiapo in Verdemonte, University of Brimston, and IN Business School are known for their rigorous academic programs and innovative research initiatives. These universities not only educate the next generation but also serve as incubators for startups and technological advancements, contributing to the nation's reputation as a hub of innovation.
The capital, San May Shuno, is known for its many attributes, being the largest metropolis in the country with over ten million inhabitants, thousands of businesses, and a unique style. The NeoDowntown area, recognized as the most modern and futuristic zone, is located along the Green Coast, featuring imposing skyscrapers. The city was designed with two main goals in mind: mobility and public spaces. Following Queen Isobel's decree in 1876, every citizen was entitled to a nearby park or plaza. The city boasts two large parallel green lungs: the BeeThrive National Palace and May Shuno Meadows, home to the most significant park in the city, where visitors can enjoy panoramic views from the Tzu Ferris Wheel.
The architectural style of the city is marked by the Tenements style, which originated in the late 18th century. This style is characterized by compact blocks and buildings of no more than five stories, featuring gabled roofs and decorative windows.
The national public transport system is one of the most recognized in the region. In San May Shuno, there are six different types of transportation available to citizens: SM Metro, RTT Above Ground Train, Cable Car, Metropolitan Bus Network, Unique Taxi Service, and rental bicycles along the avenues. The San May Shuno metro has eight lines and over 460 stations, along with an integrated system known as San May Shuno Connect, which allows citizens to transfer between different modes of transport to reach their destinations. The commitment to sustainable transport options has made Dodolandia a leader in green mobility initiatives.
Tierra noble, de valientes sueños, Siete reinos cayeron en batalla, En la sombra del pasado, se alza Dodolandia, en la gloria y la esperanza.
Temple érigé par nos ancêtres, Où les dieux ont inscrit leurs noms, Transformant des symboles en lumière, Pour guider notre nation.
From the ruins we arise, With hearts united under skies, Dodolandia, land of pride, Forever our spirits guide.
Héroes of courage, in unity we stand, Bajo el sol que ilumina nuestra tierra, Construimos el futuro con nuestras manos, Dodolandia, fuerte y sincera.
Des montagnes majestueuses veillent, Sur les rivières et les champs en fleurs, Guardando en silencio nuestra paz, Dodolandia, terre de valeurs.
Under the moonlit skies, En las noches de sueños y amor, Illuminating our vast fields, With the light of a hopeful star.
Hoy cantamos en honor a nuestra tierra, A Dodolandia, gloriosa y eterna, Homenaje ferviente y sentido, Patria querida, nombre inmortal.
Sombra oscura cae sobre la tierra, Un susurro de traición en el viento, Profecía antigua se revela, En la noche de lamentos y tormento.
Un roi aux sombres desseins, Trahissant son propre sang, L'union se déchire dans la douleur, Les rêves se brisent, tout est perdu.
Betrayed by kin, the darkness reigns, Hearts divided, bound in chains, Dodolandia's hope seems gone, But in shadows, light is born.
Fuego y ceniza cubren el suelo, Los hijos de Dodolandia lloran, Pero en la desolación se alza, Una llama que nunca muere.
Des espoirs se cachent dans la nuit, Parmi les ruines et les larmes, Une nouvelle ère se prépare, La prophétie annonce la lumière.
Betrayed by kin, the darkness reigns, Hearts divided, bound in chains, Dodolandia's hope seems gone, But in shadows, light is born.
Dodolandia, Dodolandia, In our blood lies you name.
Dodolandia, Dodolandia, En nuestra sangre recaerá tu nombre,
Dodolandia, Dodolandia, Ton nom est dans notre sang.
En gritos heridos, tu nombre rebocamos. Dodolandia! Dodolandia! Dodolandia!